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Фармакоэкономический анализ использования клопидогреля (Плавикса) у пациентов с нестабильной стенокардией. Часть III

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  • Основные затраты при профилактике ишемических осложнений у пациентов с ОКС без подъема сегмента ST приходятся на первичные и последующие госпитализации, а также на сопутствующую терапию.
  • Стоимость первичной и последующих госпитализаций, а также сопутствующей терапии в группе клопидогреля была ниже по сравнению со стандартной терапией аспирином.
  • В целом общая стоимость была выше в группе клопидогреля при включении в расчет стоимости лекарств.
  • Инкрементальная стоимость за предотвращенное событие сопоставима с другими принятыми лечебными стратегиями (например, статины, иАПФ).
  • Антитромбоцитарная терапия ОКС с использованием клопидогреля в РФ экономически оправдана спасенными жизнями пациентов.


In this analysis, the major cost was the acquisition cost of clopidogrel. This cost was partially offset, mainly at the first hospitalization. Costs per event avoided, a parameter obtained from cost-effectiveness analysis, is rather difficult to interpret. Even if it is clinically significant, its comparison to data obtained from other studies may be difficult because of possible differences in definitions of events. Our results showed that the ICER for clopidogrel+aspirin in comparison to aspirin alone was 845 136 rubles for all events avoided. For several reasons, primarily because of budget limitations (for example, per capita expenses for health care in the RF amounted to 1606.8 rubles in 2001), the Russian approach to the treatment of ACS is mostly noninvasive, which is distinct from more interventional strategies adopted by health care systems of developed countries. In particular, this is due to the fact that only 57 Russian centers perform PTCA and CABG procedures. It is commonly accepted that there should be at least one hospital capable of performing such procedures per million population, which means that the RF needs an additional of about 90 such centers. It may be argued that CURE represents a less interventional strategy than that used in most countries. The pharmacoeconomic analysis of CURE provides much detail on the cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel in patients that require invasive procedures. In addition, clopidogrel causes more clinically significant bleedings than aspirin alone. However, costs related to bleeding represent an insignificant part of total costs. Thorough analysis of first hospitalization increases the total cost; the net cost of the addition of clopidogrel increases slightly, but the cost-effectiveness ratio remains very favorable. Certainly, this parameter alone cannot provide a firm basis for decision making in the entire health care system, because other factors should be taken into account: current needs of health care, local priorities, etc. These model studies with calculation of ICER also demonstrated the advantages of combined treatment with clopidogrel+aspirin in comparison to aspirin alone in unstable angina. The data showed that clopidogrel on top of aspirin is cost-effective in comparison to aspirin alone in patients with unstable angina, which was demonstrated in CURE. This suggests that the additive effect of clopidogrel used with aspirin would make it an effective method for prevention of thrombotic complications of coronary heart disease. Results of pharmacoeconomic modeling can provide the basis for expansion of indications to the use of clopidogrel.


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